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About Us

✨Yarns to appease your inner cottagewitch. ✨

Pax Fibers is a hand dyed yarn company based out of Madison, Wisconsin. My yarns are inspired by the natural world, gardening, herbs, teas, and whatever else catches my eye. I firmly believe that you can't have too much neon, that sparkle is a color, and that life is too short to knit with boring yarn. Yarns are all dyed by me (Laura), a state worker by day and crafter by night. 
An obsession with vintage and pinup fashion as a teenager led to a discovery that it was more economical to sew my own 50s style dresses. My style may have changed, but my obsession with hand made garments has only grown stronger.
Sewing led to knitting, and knitting led to dyeing my own yarn. 
Pax Fibers is named for my cat, who loves to make his own "art" with yarn. I've lost count of the number of times he's raced past me with a skein in his mouth. 
Thank you for checking out my store, and happy crafting!